Thursday, June 22, 2006

"So, Young Man,

What do you want to be when you grow up?"

That's something I've never had a ready answer for. And here I am, slightly past middle age, contemplating that very thing. I know that while I'm certainly capable at what I do, it has never been something that I particularly enjoy. Certainly something I'm not passionate about - and I really should be.

But it's not in me. Never has been. An objective look back on the paths I have walked will show those chosen offered the least resistance. Don't get me wrong - life's been good to me so far, to quote Joe Walsh. I am truly fortunate and blessed. I just don't like what I do.

Problem is, I'm hard pressed to imagine what it would be that I would want to do - that would pay well, anyhow. A brief review of options shows that there are not many jobs out there that would pay me to sit in isolation somewhere and not interact with people or phones. There were no hits on Monster under the search 'Stump Sitter'.

But before I can get carried away, I have a job to do here. It may well be that the light at the end of the tunnel here is not actually a train - perhaps I'll feel different once I reach the other side...

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