Hoo boy, three things a-percolating away up on the Hill and don't it all smell bad?
At least, that's what the 'mainstream media' wants you to think. The folks over at Fox are positively giddy. But let's look at them objectively:
Benghazi - An absolute tragedy, no question. But is it anything out of the norm for the government to want to spin it favorably for whoever was in charge? The whole Susan Rice thing is NBD. It is perhaps more interesting to delve into the actual response and support provided than get hung up on how it was spun. Fifty plus folks died in embassy attacks during the Reign of W - so let's keep things in perspective.
IRS - Hey, I hate 'em as much, if not more, than the next guy. One of their jobs is to make sure folks filing for tax exempt status are on the up and up. A 501(c)(4) is NOT supposed to have political leanings. If I'm pushing paper behind a desk in Cincinnati, you can be certain that any new entity with a name containing "Tea Party" is going to attract my attention. It's called doing your job, you see. The big question is did they spend an equal amount of time scrutinizing obvious liberal leaning groups?
AP - This may be the runt of the litter but, to my way of thinking, it is actually the most troubling one. You can't explain away such a broad sweeping use of power for any sort of reason. A vague pass at national security ain't going to cut it. For whatever reason though, this 'scandal' comes in a distant third...
The biggest issue, really, is the Whitehouse being unwilling to DEAL with these issues head on instead of circling around and pointing fingers or denying out right. Stuff is going to happen during anyone's Presidency - how you deal with it is what's important. And that's where Obama is failing - not so much on all these other MSM talking points.
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